'Fishwick Dazzler' with his wonderful temperament and conformation is sire to many of our homebred stock.  After 'Daz' followed 'Logan Damocles', 'Aberdeen Granite', 'Heronbrook Legend' and latterly 'Colaba Herning' and Colaba 'Justin'.  These later bulls  were bred by Peter Guest, Chairman of the Mid West Longhorn Breeders Club and a font of all knowledge, especially Longhorn Cattle.    Legend won the junior bull class at the 2012 Mid West Herds competition and was Male Champion at Royal Bath and West Show in 2013.    We have also used Limousin, Blonde D'Aquitaine, Charolais, South Devon and Aberdeen Angus bulls to cross with the Longhorn cows over the years to produce fabulous quality calves to finish for the commercial market.  Our most recent Bull is Marvel, a lovely large quiet South Devon bought in May 2023.  


We have attended and have been very successful showing our cattle at a number of Agricultural shows over the years.  From a local show such as Mid Devon to the Three Counties Show in Worcestershire, its a fabulous opportunity to show-case our stock, compete against other Longhorn breeders from around the country and generally have a bit of fun.  Feniton Emily and Feniton Eleanor have been very successful over the years, alongside Feniton Delia and Daisy. 


We have shown in specific Longhorn classes but also have the opportunity to show in 'native' classes where we are up against other native breeds.


In 2012, we were delighted to win the Native Pairs class at Dunster show, competing against a very strong field of cattle.


We haven't been showing cattle in recent years but having had a few very smart Pedigree Longhorn heifer calves born in 2023 through Artificial Insemination, we will probably be out and about showing in the future.  Fingers crossed for 2025!



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